Hi, I'm Jen McDonald. I have five children and have been homeschooling for the last 2 decades. As of 2023 I've got three more years before I'm all done homeschooling. I have been there and done that in so many ways. I've got kids that are super academically advanced. I've got kids that had to work hard to be able to accomplish what was completely within their grasp, but I had to present it in such a way that it was much more accessible to them. ADHD and dyslexia plus kids that were hard to academically challenge are all part of our family. I have taught many, MANY group classes for homeschool kids. I've run co-ops. I've started homeschool groups. I've initiated and sustained support groups for homeschool parents. Right now my passion is teaching other families how to homeschool - therefore this website and channel.
All of my kids have used lesson plans that I wrote and gleaned from a variety of different places. I am going to share them ALL with you. I'm downloading all of my lesson plans for free, and these videos are meant to walk another homeschool mom through how to teach from those lesson plans. Eventually they'll all be online for free and you can download them and use them at your discretion. Because they're my individual lesson plans, please don't sell them, but you're free to use them and use them in your group classes as much as would benefit you.
So I am including links to everything and if there's an Amazon affiliate link, then I do make a small portion off of that. It's part of being able to give this to the world for free. So and if you have questions, feel free to ask those, and I hope that my experience can benefit you in some way.
If you want to help out by doing something that you’re already doing, you can use my Amazon affiliate link and I get a small percentage. Every time you purchase something from my link, which doesn’t cost you anymore than purchasing from amazon outside of my link - helps me and my family.
Whether you purchase off Amazon or use my link or not, I wanted to share with you what has worked in my homeschool.
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