We have an exciting opportunity for parents, educators, and parishes to host a Children’s Eucharistic Congress with our free, downloadable Catholic VBS Lesson Plans. Designed for PreK through 8th grade with teen helpers, these plans are structured for 3 hours per day, up to 5 days a week. Our camp is an immersive experience that blends fun, faith, and fellowship, helping children dive deep into the beauty and mystery of the Eucharist.
Our camp offers everything you need to host a Children’s Eucharistic Congress at your parish or group. The lesson plans are "open & go," requiring minimal supplies and effort. Designed for a range of ages, from PreK to 8th grade, with the help of teen volunteers, these plans ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.
These lesson plans are not only perfect for group settings but also adaptable for individual homeschooling. Host the camp in your backyard and let your children explore the wonders of the Eucharist through crafts, activities, and devotions.
The catechism teaches us: “There is no surer pledge or dearer sign of this great hope in the new heavens and new earth 'in which righteousness dwells,' than the Eucharist. Every time this mystery is celebrated, 'the work of our redemption is carried on' and we 'break the one bread that provides the medicine of immortality, the antidote for death, and the food that makes us live for ever in Jesus Christ.'"
Every day at camp is a celebration of Jesus, starting with the Mass, just as He told us in John 6. Download now and embark on your child's journey to Christ.
Each week, we’ll post a video to guide your co-op teacher or homeschool mom through the week’s lessons. While most ideas are geared toward groups of 3 or more kids, many can be adapted for individual homeschool settings. These lessons are provided free to help other homeschoolers experience the freedom and joy that homeschooling has brought to our family.
Download Now and let the Holy Spirit set your children's hearts on fire for the Lord through a blend of learning, prayer, and play. Embark on a week-long journey filled with faith and fun, nurturing your child's spiritual growth and understanding of the Eucharist.
| Homeschooling101.net