These free homeschool lesson plans include hands-on topics & books covering a variety of nature topics for your preschoolers. https://www.homeschooling101.net/prek-nature-study Our homeschool group sessions typically last for one hour, so the lesson plans have been designed to accommodate that amount of time, but there is often additional material available. Every week has books, activities, crafts, snacks and/or sensory exploration on that week's topics. Many of the books on this list may be available at your library. Elementary classes are not graded, but fun and interactive learning.
Our class was designed for preschool of 3 year olds, 4 year olds and 5 year olds.
The homeschool group lesson plans cover 19 weeks of activities. The group meets once a week for an hour to go over the lessons. The lessons are designed so students do all activities in the classroom and bring the learning to life in a group setting with their friends through games, crafts, and activities.
If you're not in group classes some of the activities would be excellent for your own individual home school to make these books and a whole
year of learning come to life. Since they're free I highly encourage you to download them and look through them even for your own homeschool or group. https://www.homeschooling101.net/prek-nature-study
Good luck with your home school and ever forward!
| Homeschooling101.net