Every one of our homeschool moms have experience teaching their own and other homeschooled kids. They have a deep passion for the freedom homeschooling brings to them and their children. They want to share how to live in that freedom with your family - for FREE! 

3 Children plus many foster children

Homeschooling for 12 years

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A smattering of helps

We offer a large variety of free lesson plans for various ages & stages in multiple subjects with more coming out all the time. Below are a few of them.

Learn more

Every one of our homeschool moms have experience teaching their own and other homeschooled kids. They have a deep passion for the freedom homeschooling brings to them and their children. They want to share how to live in that freedom with your family - for FREE! 

Are You Interested in Helping Homeschoolers?

Do you have written and video lessons you'd like to give away? Contact us and we'll review your lessons for inclusion on our site! We want homeschoolers to have as many resources as possible to choose from!

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