Tips, Tricks & Advice for the Elementary Homeschool Parent

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From a seasoned homeschool mom to my younger self

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Elementary Joy in Homeschool


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There is a LOT of FUN to be had in the elementary years. How do we keep the fun and ditch the rest while holding to age-appropriate expectations and not lose all sense of JOY during the exhausting elementary years?

Elementary FUN

Here are ways to make elementary homeschool fun:


  • Don’t pack too much into 1 lesson or 1 afternoon or 1 week. Kids thrive on consistency and do great with the “same-ness” that can drive an adult batty.
  • Allow for flexibility in the daily routine to accommodate breaks, exercise, and free time.

Beautiful space

  • Set up a designated learning area with comfortable seating and colors that appeal to you as the mom. Make your learning area lovely to spend time in.


  1. Use games to reinforce concepts, such as memory games, matching games, or board games that focus on skills like spelling or math.
  2. Use music and dance to teach new concepts, such as learning the multiplication tables through a catchy song.
  3. Take a hands-on approach to learning by conducting science experiments or cooking together.
  4. Use games like “I Spy” or scavenger hunts to teach children observation skills.
  5. Create a reward system for accomplishing goals or completing tasks.
  6. Host a “show and tell” where children can share something they learned or created.
  7. Reading challenges: Set up a reading challenge to encourage your child to read more. You can create a reward system for meeting reading goals, or have a weekly book club discussion to keep things engaging.
  8. Art projects: Set up an art station with a variety of supplies and encourage your child to create their own masterpieces. You can also find many online tutorials for fun and easy art projects.

  • Art projects: Set up an art station with a variety of supplies and encourage your child to create their own masterpieces. You can also find many online tutorials for fun and easy art projects.
  • Cooking: Get your child involved in the kitchen by having them help with meal planning, shopping, and cooking. This can help teach them valuable life skills and make learning about nutrition and healthy eating more engaging.

Don’t be Afraid of Rabbit Holes

  • Virtual field trips: Take a virtual field trip to a museum, national park, or other location of interest. Many organizations offer online tours and exhibits, so you can explore from the comfort of your own home.
  • Science experiments: Conduct simple science experiments at home to make learning fun and hands-on. You can find many ideas online, and there are plenty of science experiment kits available for purchase as well.

A Spoonful of Sugar

  • Create a learning portfolio or scrapbook to track progress and reflect on achievements.
  • Celebrate milestones and accomplishments with small treats or special activities.
  • Use social media or a family blog to record and share progress.

Go outside

  • Incorporate outdoor activities such as nature walks, gardening, and field trips to parks or museums.

Don’t always stay within the lines

  • Encourage creativity with art projects, such as painting, drawing, or making crafts.


  • Use technology to engage children with interactive educational apps or websites.
  • Make use of educational television shows or documentaries to supplement lessons.

Make it a party

  • Host a book club where children can read and discuss books together.
  • Schedule regular meetups with other homeschooling families.

Know Your Audience

  • Make learning relevant to children’s interests by incorporating topics like animals, sports, or superheroes.
  • Offer choices for projects or assignments to promote independence.

REMEMBER: Your kids are learning all the time and it doesn”t always have to be YOU directing it

Cultivating JOY for the Homeschool Teacher

English word joy comes from Proto-Italic *jokos, Latin gaudere ("to rejoice". "to take pleasure in".), Old Provençal (to 1500) gai (Happy; joyous.), Late Latin iocale

Activity: word association

Need: piece of paper and pen

When I say a word you write down the first thing that comes to mind











The most important ways to cultivate and preserve JOY in your homeschool is for mom to find it in her life:

  1. Cultivate gratitude: Take time each day to reflect on the things you're grateful for, whether it's a good cup of coffee, a nice conversation with a friend, or a beautiful sunset.
    - gratitude journal
    - social media: one thing I’m thankful for
    - grateful jar: one slip of paper each day and read them outloud at the end of the year or scrapbook them into a book you read to them
  2. Focus on the present moment: Try to be present and mindful in everything you do, whether it's doing the dishes, going for a walk, or having a conversation with someone.
  3. Find activities you enjoy: Engage in activities that make you happy and bring you joy, whether it's gardening, painting, or reading. BE SILLY. What makes you LAUGH?
  4. Connect with others: Spend time with the people you care about, whether it's family, friends, or coworkers. Make time for social activities that make you feel happy and connected.
  5. Take care of your physical health: Exercise, eat well, and get enough sleep. Taking care of your body can help boost your mood and energy levels.
  6. Take good care of your mom’s baby (yourself): Take time to do things that make you feel good, whether it's taking a bubble bath, reading a book, or listening to music.
  7. Learn to let go: Let go of things that are out of your control, whether it's a difficult situation at work or a disagreement with a loved one. Focus on the things you can control and let go of the rest.
  8. Practice forgiveness: Let go of grudges and practice forgiveness, both for yourself and for others. This can help you let go of negative emotions and move on.

Remember that keeping joy in your life is an ongoing process, and it's okay to have ups and downs. Just keep practicing and trying new things to find what works for you.

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