FREE 6 Weeks of Co-op, Group or Individual
Homeschool 4th-8th grade Lesson Plans
FREE Homeschool Lesson Plans reading through the story of Phineas Gage & using Ellen McHenry's dynamic Brain Science Curriculum
Grade 4 / Grade 5 / Grade 6 / Grade 7 / Grade 8
Using a project-based system of learning, this experiential class teaches Brain Science in a fun and engaging method!! These free lesson plans include everything your middle school students need for a 6 week learning adventure in an individual or group setting.
This class is experiential and no grading rubric is included.
FREE Lesson Plans are based on the FREE BOOK - LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT: A Psychological Perspective Second Edition By Martha Lally and Suzanne Valentine-French
Each week, I'll post a video to walk your co-op teacher or homeschool mom through how to teach that week's lessons. Almost all the ideas are geared toward having 3 or more kids in a group, but many of the ideas can be used in an individual homeschool. These lessons are provided FREE to help other homeschoolers live in the freedom that homeschooling has brought to our family.
based on The Brain Curriculum by Ellen McHenry and Phineas Gage: A Gruesome but True Story About Brain Science, John Fleischman
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